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Selectmen's Minutes January 23, 2006

JANUARY 23, 2006

Present:  Selectmen William Roach, Richard Leone and Stephen White

Absent:  Selectman Emma White and Frederick Gallup
Also Present:  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

Others:  Van Webb,  Catherine Busheuff, Randy Richards, Aaron Aldredge, Gene Hall, Linda Flanders, Bardon Flanders,  Salvatore Santoro, Tom Elliott, Aaron Simpson, Donna Gazelle, Harry Gazelle, Tim Fleury, Dan Ruggles and Lela Emery.

Chairman William Roach opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.


A.       Conservation Commission – Re:  Land Acquisition

Van Webb, Tim Fluery and Lela Emery of the Conservation Commission were present.  They explained that the Commission has been submitted a proposal to purchase land from The Webb Forest Preserve, LLC for two lots,  the 70 acre Dane lot on Cross Road.  The second lot is the Harrison lot and is also 70 acres which abuts the Nutting property,  Pine Ridge Development and the Dexter Inn.   The Webb’s will do a bargain sale of the development rights to Osborne Sargent.  Osborne Sargent approached the Conservation Commission about the process.  Osborne Sargent will be the primary easement holder for the development rights.  He will write the easement and be responsible for the easement.  The Conservation Commission was approached to be the back up easement holder for the sum of $12,000.  This is the cost to do the easement, such as the appraisal and deed searches, etc.   The Conservation Commission would like to use Conservation funds.  The Conservation Commission has taken in approximately $30,000 to $35,000 in current use penalties in 2005 and would like to use $12,000 of those funds to purchase the Sargent property.    In order to do this the Conservation Commission would have to hold two public hearings in conjunction with the Board of Selectmen.  The purpose of the easement is to celebrate the 85th birthday of Richard Webb.  These properties are the last two pieces that the Webb Forest Preserve owns.  The Commission is looking to the Selectmen for their approval as the Conservation Commission plans to vote on this at their February meeting.  The Commission will also have to approach the Planning Board with this proposal.  The Commission hopes to have finished the deal by summer.  The Commission would like to do this to save open space as there are many trails that are on these properties.  The Dane lot is appraised at $191,000 and the Harrison lot at $179,000.  That is why it is called a bargain sale at $12,000.

Board of Selectmen
Jan. 23, 2006

Donna Nashawaty explained that the Conservation Commission has a fund from which they can spend monies with a vote of the Commission.  It does not have to go before Town Meeting.  It is exempt from the Municipal Budget Act.  The Selectmen will have to hold two public hearings before they can make a motion to accept the deed.  The Conservation Commission came before the Board to make sure they had no objections.  The Commission will also meet with the Planning Board at their next meeting.  The Board of Selectmen unanimously voiced their approval of the purchase.

B.  Dan Ruggles – Fire Chief

Chief Ruggles was present to speak with the Board regarding the purchase of a ladder truck.  He has checked around and the $250,000 in the 2006 warrant article is not enough to get a truck that is 10 years old.  He would like to raise his warrant article to $300,000.  There is $330,000 in the reserve fund at the present.  Chief Ruggles will request the increase in the article on the floor at the deliberative session.  He explained that he came before the Board to see what they thought of him doing this.  The Board stated that they would back the Chief.


See agenda attached to minutes.


A.  Sign Warrant for Posting

D. Nashawaty explained a  minor change was made in the bond article for the Lake Avenue waterline per a recommendation from Town Counsel. D. Nashawaty asked Counsel if she could add to the article wording that no funds will be raised by taxation.  She was told no, she could not.   Counsel also recommended that Article 18 be discussed at the deliberative session before Article 17.  This will be moved on the floor.   Also, with regard to the article for the $1,000,000 for the library, it will be made clear in the article that no funds will be raised by taxation.  The Moderator has called D. Nashawaty to set up an appointment to go over the warrant with the Selectmen.  She has sent him a copy of the warrant.  The Selectmen signed the warrants for posting.

B.  Sign Default Budget for Posting

The Selectmen signed the default budget.

Board of Selectmen
Jan. 23, 2006


The Selectmen signed the reappointment for Lela Emery for the Conservation Commission.


A.  Feb. 6 School Deliberative Session

D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that the School Deliberative Session was scheduled on February 6 and that is also the next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting.  She stated that she felt the Selectmen would like to attend the school meeting and suggested that the February 6 Selectmen’s Meeting be rescheduled for February 13 and then every two weeks again thereafter.  

B.  West Central NH Regional Homeland Security

D. Nashawaty explained that she has been actively involved in a subcommittee consisting of three towns, Newbury, New London and Sunapee.  They had a meeting in Hanover and talked about where broad bands  were and where broad band might be offered and how it might be offered.  After this meeting, they started emailing surrounding communities to see if they might be interested.  D. Nashawaty stated that it was surprising to see just how many communities still don’t have high speed internet.  She explained the importance of broad band in that it is needed for many things other than the internet.  Her committee feels that they would like to resolve this issue for rural New Hampshire.  NH Public Utility Commission does not have any say in approving licenses for companies such as Adelphia or Comcast.  The committee has been meeting with a gentleman that sets up infrastructures and has submitted information on the cost.  D. Nashawaty explained that more communities have become involved.  The project is very large and some communities are putting in warrant articles.  It is too late for Sunapee this year. D. Nashawaty stated she has money in the 2005 legal budget but needs the Selectmen’s approval before she can spend it. This would provide everyone in any household in the participating communities with high speed internet and will also be a plus to Homeland Security.  Motion was made by Stephen White that $8,955 be taken out of the 2005 legal budget to join in with the other communities to go into the first phase.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
Jan. 23, 2006

C.  Building Committee Structure

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that she received a call from Bill Wightman.  He told her he is still interested in being on the Building Committee.  D. Nashawaty offered a suggestion to set up regulations for the committee to follow.  Stephen White recommended that the Selectmen request the present members of the Building Committee to attend a Selectmen’s meeting to redefine the duties of the committee.   The Selectmen will discuss at their next meeting the development of what the duties are of the committee.  D. Nashawaty will gather up materials for the Board’s review.  


S. White reported that he read an article in the paper regarding eminent domain  and the dangers of things that the Town can impose upon property owners without deeply studying the issue, such as zoning.  He does not like to put strict regulations on how an owner can use his property and hopes that this is kept in mind when voting on articles that deal with zoning and land use.  S. White stated there are items that need to be regulated for health, safety, etc., but  they need to be limited.  

S. White also stated that he was very upset because an editorial in the Eagle Times chastised the BAC.  He feels something should be said to stick up for the BAC.  He doesn’t believe the BAC is given enough time to review the school’s budget as they get it shortly before meetings begin.  S. White also stated that the BAC does perform a role for the town and its taxpayers and should be commended for this.   With regard to the article for renovations and an addition to the elementary school, he feels that the BAC was not out of line with not recommending this project as it has grown from $1,000,000 to $10,000,000 within a few years.    

D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that the public hearing on town revitalization is being held at the school music room on Wednesday, January 25 at 6:30 PM.  Stu Arnet from DRED will run the meeting.

D. Nashawaty also reminded the Board that a letter from the Selectmen is needed for the Town Report.    

R. Leone informed the Board that he is not sure if he will run for re-election to the Selectmen in March.  He will let the Board know of his decision.

Board of Selectmen
Jan. 23, 2006

Meeting adjourned 9:00 PM

Submitted by, Darlene Morse                     Approved___________________

_____________________________                   ___________________________
William Roach, Chairman                                     Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman

_____________________________                   ___________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White